[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to egypt@jadaliyya.com by Sunday night of every week.]

Cassandra’s Curse: No True Allies for Egyptian Women
Nesreen Salem writes, “Oppression can be defined as the absence of choice. Every day, choices are taken away from women under the justification that they need “protection.”

Dear President Obama: Freedom and Democracy Must Come First in Egypt
Emad Shahin, Noam Chomsky, and Robert Springborg release an open letter to President Obama calling for change in the United States’ policies toward Egypt.

The Obama Doctrine
Gary Sick theorizes the Obama administration’s Middle East foreign policy.

Egypt Army Extends Power by Taking Charge of Gulf Aid
Maggie Fick writes on the impact of Gulf aid has on the Egyptian army.

Occidental’s $8 Billion Deal Stalled by Brotherhood Row
Bradley Olson and Dinesh Nair shed light on how the Gulf States’ rift over Qatar’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood has negative ramifications on business decisions in the region.

Abdul Fattah al-Sisi: New Face of Egypt`s Old Guard
Robert Springborg provides a comprehensive profile of Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

Politicized Verdicts Mean No Real Accountability in Egypt
EgyptSource responds to the death penalty verdict against 529 Brotherhood supporters. 

Three Economic Priorities for Egypt’s Next President
Mustanisr Barma analyzes three economic burdens that will daunt on the next president.

Are there Serious Doubts Regarding the Integrity of Presidential Elections?
Farid Zahran lists seven reasons that question the integrity of the upcoming presidential elections.

Egypt’s Judges May Be Independent, but Many are Following the Regime’s Political Agenda
Nour Bakr argues that the court verdicts against Muslim Brotherhood supporters reflect lack of judicial independence.

Translation of Abdel Fattah al-Sisi`s Resignation Speech
EgyptSource provides a translation of al-Sisi’s speech in which he announced his run for the presidency.

Then and Now
Mohamed Fouad compares Egypt’s foreign policy shifts in the past year by focusing on the state’s relations with Syria and Hamas.

Waiting for Another Spring
Hanan Badawy sheds light on the international refugee regime’s efforts to resettle Syrian refugees, and the complications they face in this regard in Egypt and European countries.  

Alaa Abdel-Fattah Calls for Action on Imprisoned Activist`s Deteriorating Health
Ahram Online says, “Activist Alaa Abdel-Fattah said that Ahmed Douma`s health conditions have been deteriorating since his recent hunger strike.”

Military and Islamist Failure: What Next?
Hazem Saghieh analyzes the failures of military and Islamists in ruling the Arab world.

Egypt’s Election Lacks Candidates
Al-Jazeera analyzes the political environment of the presidential elections. 

Sisi Submits his Candidacy to `Will of the People`
Bassem Sabry reacts to al-Sisi’s presidential bid.

Sisi Runs for President in Nasser’s Shadow
Wael Nawara analyzes the similarities and differences between Nasser and al-Sisi from domestic, regional, and international perspectives.

Multi-Billion Dollar Project will not Solve Egypt`s Housing Crisis
Bel Trew writes, “The Egyptian army`s forty billion dollar deal with the UAE company Arabtec to build one million homes for low-income earners is beyond the affordability of Egypt`s poor.”

Sisi in the Words of Others
Sarah Carr reflects on the public’s fascination with al-Sisi.

Sisi in His Own Words
Mai Shams El-Din analyzes the most salient phrases al-Sisi used in his speeches and interviews in which she argues they have “shaped a certain discourse in post-30 June Egypt.”

Meet Egypt’s Next Would-Be President
Heba Afify and Jahd Khalil write a brief bibliography on Abdel Fattah al-Sisi following his announcement to run for office.

Factories in the Dark
Isabel Esterman sheds light on the impact of power cuts on manufacturing companies and factories.


In Arabic:

بعد مرور أسبوعين على السيول في الصعيد: المبادرة المصرية للحقوق الشخصية تنتقد تباطؤ السلطات في حل أزمة آلاف الأسر المشردة
Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) criticizes authorities’ negligence in providing shelter for the families hit with devastating floods in Upper Egypt.

ثقافة الضرائب
Amr Khafaga argues that in order to build a functional taxation system in Egypt, it should be just and transparent.

مسئوليات بناء تيار عام للحق وللحرية وللتنمية الوطنية
Amr Hamzawy lists five reasons that obstruct true democratic change in Egypt.  

ضحايا لعنة المعبر
Fahmy Huwady responds to the three-day limited opening of Rafah’s border crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.  

ثلاثة أنواع من الفساد تهدد المال العام في مصر
Malik Adly presents three types of corruption that may lead to significant hurdles to the public’s interests. 

!امشي من الجامعة
Wesam Ata sheds light on the problematics of the security forces’ stigmatizing students of al-Azhar University, merely because they are students of the University.    

مصر تتّجه إلى التحكيم الدولي في قضيّة سدّ النهضة
Walaa Hussein says, “Egypt’s Specialized National Councils have filed a report to the Egyptian presidency about referring the case of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam dispute to international organizations, since the negotiations between Egypt and Ethiopia have reached a deadlock.” 

خطوات أمنيّة ودبلوماسيّة مصريّة لضبط تحرّكات الإخوان في دول الخليج
Aya Aman says, “Egypt is expanding security cooperation with Arab states to hand over Muslim Brotherhood officials, including those exiled in Doha.”

ما الذي يجعلنا نرفع مرتباتكم؟
Hatim Abdelfattah analyzes factors that lure foreign investment into Egypt despite economic and political instability.

من يهين القضاء الآن؟
Basem Zakariyya al-Samargy analyzes the absence of an independent judicial institution in Egypt, in response to court’s sentencing 529 Brotherhood supporters to death.

اللاجئون السوريون: في انتظار ربيع آخر
Hanan Badawy sheds light on the international refugee regime’s efforts to resettle Syrian refugees, and the complications they face in this regard in Egypt and European countries.   


Recently on Jadaliyya Egypt:

Event Report-Back: Countering the Counter-Revolution in Egypt
Middle East Studies Center at AUC recaps Timothy Kaldas’ lecture titled: Countering the Counter-Revolution” held at the American University in Cairo.  

Call for Participants: Proposal Writing and Research Design Seminars for Junior Scholars in Egyptian Public Universities (1 May Deadline)
Jadaliya’s Reports Page announces a seminar on training junior faculty members in research proposal and research design writing.

Shaima Kamel: Cinderella`s Tales
Medrar TV reports on Shaim Kamel’s exhibition entitled: Cinderalla’s Tales. 

A Cycle of Insecurity in Egypt`s North Sinai
Rob Stothard argues that instability in North Sinai is not recent; in fact, it is a result of decades long of “lack of legitimate economic opportunities.”